MY cetacean friend -
a tale of SORROW and joy
Picture © National Geographic
This page tells you of my experiences with "my" Minke whale, as she was lost to whalers in 2009. Have your tissues to hand!
If you like what you read here and want to use it yourself PLEASE NOTE that we have copyrighted all material that we have created and channelled on this site — which is ALL of it, unless alternate credit is shown. You may freely use any of it for private or personal use ONLY, but we ask that if you wish to use ANY of our material for publication or reproduction in ANY other shape or form, including using ALL OR ANY PARTS OF IT on other internet pages or sites, that you FIRSTLY contact us for permission... We will then usually ask that you use extracts only (NOT whole blocks); and that you credit us as the source of your information AND create a web link back to the relevant page(s) from which you took the material. We are happy to share our work, but dislike the very rude practice some people have of copying material without due credit to its original authors.
We (the Blue Lotus Group) have been working consciously with the co-operation of the Earth's cetaceans for the Earth's spiritual progress since the summer of 2005. Specific species of whales and dolphins and pods within that species have offered their services to the planet and agreed to join with specific groups of humans in their work for the spiritual evolution of the Earth, as she moves towards Ascension. Each human is linked with a specific whale and dolphin. Sometimes we work side-by-side: at other times we merge energetically into what we have come to call our "tri-forms". As you can imagine as time passes such bonds between we humans and "our" cetaceans become very strong. One whale or dolphin (usually the matriarch or pod leader) carries the energies of the whole pod for this purpose, and in this the pod act as a group consciousness whenever we carry out our tasks in the non-physical Dimensions. The whales and dolphins, together with various groups of humanity, are sometimes asked to act as Earth's representatives by the Spiritual Hierarchy, and whenever we are asked to carry out tasks of this nature "off-planet" we are invariably accompanied by our cetaceans. They also work with us on tasks directly on and within our planet, both within the seas and without. The value of their aid and its importance CANNOT be measured — many of the tasks we have succeeded in carrying out simply would not have been possible without their assistance.
You can imagine therefore how it may feel to physically lose one of your companions, as happened to me in March 2009 when my Minke whale and some of her pod were slaughtered by whalers in the Antarctic waters. The confusion, disbelief, incomprehension and agony experienced not just by "my" whale (the pod's matriarch), but also the rest of the pod are impossible to describe. I have witnessed the death of their leader and resonated with them as their entire history and coherence as a single entity bled out into the waters. Their turmoil became my turmoil; their pain became my pain; their grief became my grief. The pod ARE in actuality a group consciousness, and what one of them feels or experiences is transmitted to all. The repercussions of that gory and inhumane event were not just local, but seemed to resonate throughout the oceans, the feelings and emotions of what happened even being picked up by other groups of cetaceans vast distances away, making them anxious and upset as well. Mankind in their general ignorance are not aware of the greater harm that they do, as the bloody, slow and painful deaths affect the whole resonance of the planet — which in turn affects the very beings who are carrying out this barbaric and thoughtless slaughter — we humans.
Having been disconnected very painfully from my whale as a result of this experience I had to allow some time to elapse for the initial upset to calm down and for the pod to recover. I then linked back with the pod a few weeks later and found that they had regrouped; selected a new leader; and were in the process of mourning their loss in their own unique (yet recognisable) way. I and others involved in the Blue Lotus work were permitted to participate and witness this event, which allowed me time to mourn the loss on a more personal level as well......
We gather, each one an envoy of the human tribes of the seven
of seven, with whale and dolphin in attendance, and form in a circle to
enclose the Pod with our energies. As a group they encircle the Ancient Mother
and Matriarch who had led them and held their Wisdom over the years, come now
in their midst clothed in her Body of Light, Spirit strong, to join the
farewells and attend their homage. Together we stand in respect, heads bowed,
whilst each of the Pod complete their songs — odes and tales of an Era seen
and experienced; of lessons learned; of battles fought; of pathways forged and
of love given and received. A silence falls, and then comes forth another. One
that has been selected by all as being fitted to carry out the duties of
leader and bear this role willingly — a responsibility which will be both
burden and Joy. Mind to mind and spirit to spirit they join, ancient and new,
and thus the mantle is passed and with it the histories and understandings of
their race; of the invisible paths that map their watery world; of the grounds
of their birth; of the places that provide for and sustain them; of their
heritage and their roots; and of the notes that they sing, which keeps all in
Now in a crescent they form with the Ancient One at their head for a final
time, permitting those who had worked at her side for the elevation of the
Light to contribute to this sacred event.......
From the depths of the oceans the salamanders come, bearing within their grasp
nuggets of molten rock, brought out from the heart of the Earth. With their
fiery breath they shape it now, and with delicacy and grace a circlet is
formed, wrought with the finesse and skills born of their esteem and regard.
Then upon her brow it is set; a diadem fit for a queen; an honour for this
Elder of the sea.
The gnomes step forwards, their gift humble yet given with their heartfelt
thanks. A simple seed we see held out, hands cupped in offering, presenting
their gift with honesty and respect. Then from the Sun a single golden Ray
streams forth touching the seed and gilding it with the Flame of Joy, a
reminder of times once shared, given now to be held forever in her heart, that
she remembers this place she once called home.
And now the sylphs approach, bearing gossamer threads of the finest vapours
once carried by their winds and formed with elegant beauty aloft in the
clouds. They weave them with their breath into a cloak so fine, with lacy
patterns like clouds blown softly through a summer's sky. And on their breaths
are carried the songs of all creatures that fly the winds and embrace the air,
redolent with their tributes for the sacrifice made and in honour of her
passing from this world.
The undines come now and bring forth a droplet formed of their tears, the salt
of sorrow mixing with the waters of the element of her birth. We see it now: a
flawless shape suspended in an eternal moment, diamond clear and perfect in
its symmetry. And from a ribbon woven from blue-green kelp harvested from lush
forests of the sapphire seas they suspend it around her neck — all honours
given, presented with Love and with gratitude for a life well lived and a task
well done.
And now the Three step forward, in ceremonial garb enrobed, and in their midst
is formed a lotus of the palest hues. Metatron steps out and from his hands he
sends forth a lightning bolt that ignites the outer petals, imbuing them with
the pink fire of Divine Love, brought forth from the Godhead. Next Michael
steps out and with his sword he ignites the inner petals with the blue-fire of
the Central Sun, imbuing them with the Light of Divine Power and Will. Lastly
Melchisadek steps forwards and with his staff he ignites the central petals,
imbuing them with the golden-fire of Divine Wisdom and with the Light of the
The last gift is mine, and I step forwards with Azuriel at my side. Then from
my heart I pluck three flames, which have blazed amongst the petals of my
Lotus of the Heart, and add one of each colour to the petals of the Lotus
given by the Three. These I give freely in honour and with love, in
recognition of deeds done, comradeship given and trust so willingly shared.
Then Azuriel steps forwards and draws down two Rays; one of silvery-blue and
one of violet, from which he weaves a spherical cage of Violet and Magdalene
Flame energy to enclose the lotus, that it may be eternally charged and
protected. This we offer to her, and she accepts it with reverence, taking it
into her energy body, where we see it absorbed into the Light. She bows in
acknowledgment and I sense her energy surround me once more with her Blessing
and her thanks. Then together for a final time the Pod rise with her at their
head, and swim to the surface, where they break through the waves to watch her
rise up and ascend into the ethers: one era complete, a new one just
Lastly we were reminded by the whales that life and our work goes on, regardless of the Dimension in which we exist, and that as embodied humans we cannot always see the full picture from where we stand — Earth being just one small cog in the great wheel of the Plan. Nor do we always find it easy to be understanding or accepting as they are! On 31st March 09 our whales told us this:
"A whale lost goes willingly. Do not grieve for us, for we know what we must teach you, as you understand that our loss is no loss but a gain for all. Be thankful for our friends for they return to Unity from which they came. Farewell."
And again a week later they added this.....
"Join us as we join you in joyful song for those that
Be happy, for they are no longer constrained by physical form: their joy
immense, their freedom complete.
We are always with you, as you are always with us: our friends now and forever
Sing songs to our freedom and joy."
Dolphins UK (Picture © Mark Brittain 2011)
If you like what you read here and want to use it yourself PLEASE NOTE that we have copyrighted all material that we have created and channelled on this site — which is ALL of it, unless alternate credit is shown. You may freely use any of it for private or personal use ONLY, but we ask that if you wish to use ANY of our material for publication or reproduction in ANY other shape or form, including using ALL OR ANY PARTS OF IT on other internet pages or sites, that you FIRSTLY contact us for permission... We will then usually ask that you use extracts only (NOT whole blocks); and that you credit us as the source of your information AND create a web link back to the relevant page(s) from which you took the material. We are happy to share our work, but dislike the very rude practice some people have of copying material without due credit to its original authors.