Archangel Sandalphon with seeds, crow and crane

This page brings you information we have researched, channelled and compiled about Archangel Sandalphon.

If you like what you read here and want to use it yourself PLEASE NOTE that we have copyrighted all material that we have created and channelled on this site — which is ALL of it, unless alternate credit is shown. You may freely use any of it for private or personal use ONLY, but we ask that if you wish to use ANY of our material for publication or reproduction in ANY other shape or form, including using ALL OR ANY PARTS OF IT on other internet pages or sites, that you FIRSTLY contact us for permission... We will then usually ask that you use extracts only (NOT whole blocks); and that you credit us as the source of your information AND create a web link back to the relevant page(s) from which you took the material. We are happy to share our work, but dislike the very rude practice some people have of copying material without due credit to its original authors.

Archangel Sandalphon is the ruling Angel and Protector of Earth and a Master of music. He also rules the seventh heaven and is known as an Angel of Mercy and an Angel of Prayer. His name may mean "Co-Brother". Sandalphon acts to take our prayers and petitions to God, and is the guardian of our secret thoughts and wishes. He weaves the prayers of people of all Faiths into garlands and wreaths of flowers and then takes them to God for his Blessing. He is said to be one of the tallest Angels, so that he may reach easily from the Earth to the Heavens, although he showed himself to us as being quite small and compact. Some see him as being dressed in a black robe which emits sparks of pure energy, although this is more likely to be Azrael. To us he came dressed in earthy-coloured tunic and trousers with a green cape. He said that these are his "working clothes" and that he may appear in many other guises, according to needs and expectations. Appearance does not seem very important to him, and he is happiest when at ease. He said "Judge me not by what you see, yet by what I do".

The etheric retreat of Sandalphon and his feminine counterpart, Shekhinah - Lady Patience is everywhere on and within the Earth. They desire no specific focus, so that our access to them is not confined or restricted. His energy is vast and all-encompassing; her energy is always within us. He said "I am wherever you are". Sandalphon is charged with anchoring the Light onto Earth, and will assist us as Lightworkers to do the same, both into the planet and into our own energy bodies. He said "I am an anchor. I act to penetrate a body and anchor myself into it as a conduit of Light energy, keeping things working at root level in accordance with the Divine Plan, whilst simultaneously channelling in Divine Light, supplying all that is required in order for balance, harmony and hence stability to be achieved." He liaises in his work with Sanat Kumara; the Elementals and their Directors; all Devic beings and with the dwellers of the Inner Earth. All the secrets of the Earth are accessible through Sandalphon, when we are ready for them, and when he believes us to be worthy and capable of understanding them. He asks us to be vigilant and caring in our relationship with the Earth and learn to live more closely in tune with her and care for the environment. Earth's birth into a new dimension of reality IS going to happen, no matter what man does. How traumatic this will be for we who inhabit her is, to a large degree, up to us all, so it is to our advantage to help make the process as smooth and safe as possible.

Sandalphon is said to have incarnated on Earth as the prophet Elijah and to have been turned into an Archangel by God. I felt this unlikely, and he confirmed that had never incarnated in human form. It is not that he cannot do so, but that his tasks are so closely linked to the planet and all of the sentient life-forms that inhabit her that it served no purpose to be restricted in that way. Sandalphon has also been said to be Metatron's twin brother, but I believe their relationship is not as "twins" in the way we might mean. Instead Sandalphon described himself and Metatron as being "Brothers in Arms". He pointed out that in many ways he and Metatron are polarities and mirrors of each other, although they do share many traits — such as love for humanity and the Earth; a joy in serving the Creator; a discipline and sense of positivity and impetus in carrying out the tasks they have agreed and are assigned. They also quite obviously share a similar sense of humour. He went on to clarify how they function as a partnership: "It is not that we are two ends of the spectrum of existence. It is not that Metatron is of one side and I am of the other. The question is the difference wherein the main focus of our work lies. If you were to compare us with your energy body, you might say that he is the Soul Star to my Earth Star. There needs to be the two that are joined together in some shape or fashion, in order for information to flow from the other to the one, and the one to the other. I show us here (demonstrates) as a circling of energy in a figure eight shape, like an infinity symbol. A constant two-way looping flow of energy and information between heaven and earth, linking the two, both on an energetic level (stabilising and supporting) and also mutually supportive and inclusive of our energies. This flow may be slow and rhythmic; it may be fast and frantic; it may be a mixture of the two. But there is always a harmony, a balance and a rhythm to the energy exchanges that take place, which are orchestrated by myself and Metatron as we work in harmony for this purpose together."

In the Kabbalah Sandalphon rules sphere 10 — Malkhut, which means "Kingdom". Malkhut is linked to Earth, representing the grounded mentally-orientated nature of humanity. Here is the sphere of our everyday life and where we have chosen to use our God-given talents as best we may in order to ground Spirit into physical reality and make a difference in our world. Malkhut concludes the work of the other spheres, for our true role is not that of "disappearing" into the heavens, but of grounding Heaven onto Earth. This sphere is sometimes called Shekhinah — the female presence of God. This is not a "woman" per se, but the feminine polarity of Atzilut — the first world of Pure and Divine Will. It has been said that, after Source separated into innumerable Divine Sparks of Light, Shekhinah descended to Earth and to humanity in order to be a Vessel for the Divine Light. The Kabbalah says that Shekhinah is one of the ten children of the union between Binah (Understanding) and Chokmah (Wisdom) and that it is her role to bear the human soul. She is described as the unseen, the unwritten truth and the feminine indwelling presence of God. I personally feel, having worked with her, that Shekhinah is within and an element of Malkhut, rather than the sphere itself.


I have now written and published my first book.
Winner of the 'BEST SELF-PUBLISHED SPIRITUAL BOOK OF THE YEAR' category in 'Soul & Spirit' magazine's Spiritual Book Awards for 2018, it is a 400+ page hardback book titled 'Walking with Archangels' (hardcopy only £25) that holds a great deal of completely new and unique information, channelled messages, 'Teachings' and Guided inner-journeys given to me by 26 Archangels and Archeia — including SANDALPHON and his twin flame SHEKHINAH; and offers you a self-led programme of work that will catalyse, aid and support your own personal journey of personal and spiritual growth and healing for less than the cost of a one-day workshop! It also includes information about (and aid and support from) 78 animal spirit guides; 78 crystals and minerals, and 52 trees. 

The Alignment of The Lotus of the Heart with the Linear Bodies; The Alignment of the Heart of the Lotus with the Unified Body; The Gift of The Sacred Seeds of Limitless Potential.
Petrified (Fossilised) Wood, Tourmalinated Quartz, Gaia (Polychrome) Jasper ..... Turtle, Crane, White Peacock ..... Oak and Coconut.

The Gift of The Holon of Universal Balance; The Diamond Light that IS Within and Without; The Light of Universal Consciousness and The Holon of Infinity.
Hematite, Zircon, Magnesite ..... Dolphin, Magpie, Cat ..... Juniper and Amelanchier (Snowy Mespil).

EVERYTHING in the book is totally new, and written from a brand new perspective, making the Archangels and their Love accessible to everybody, whether you are just setting out on your path, or are already on your way to Enlightenment! 
To obtain your copy (and for special deals and more information) follow this link: BUY BOOK 
To find out more — AND FOR WHOLESALE INFORMATION — follow this link: KNOW MORE

book cover   soul & spirit gold award



The secrets of the Earth are mine. You came to this planet as tiny children and were nurtured and grew to adulthood upon her skin. Your spirits are a part of her, as I am also. And it is that link with her that you will find amplified through me. Without the goodness and mercy and tender care of your Earth Mother your physical bodies will not survive, and without her spiritual care your non physical bodies will not be able to fulfil their tasks.
I am earth.
I am sky.
I am all things in between.
Stand with me now and let your feet feel the firmness and love of your Earth Mother. Turn your face to the sky and feel the warmth and love of the Creator. Cradled as you are on this beautiful planet allow your heart beat to slow and merge with the pulse of the Earth. Feel her soul merge with yours. Everything you do and every thought you have affects her, affects your co-travellers and also affects your Self. All depend on each other. It is not an exclusive relationship — everyone is important and every one can make a difference. The choice is yours. But remember I am here for you if you will but call.
I can help you link more closely with the Earth and her mysteries, and to the stars and their mysteries too. Hear my voice in the crashing of the waves on a beach; feel my touch in the drops of rain on your face; and know my love in the kiss of sunlight on your brow.
Think of me as the tall pine in the forest — my strength and timelessness are here for you when ever you need them.

If you like what you read here and want to use it yourself PLEASE NOTE that we have copyrighted all material that we have created and channelled on this site — which is ALL of it, unless alternate credit is shown. You may freely use any of it for private or personal use ONLY, but we ask that if you wish to use ANY of our material for publication or reproduction in ANY other shape or form, including using ALL OR ANY PARTS OF IT on other internet pages or sites, that you FIRSTLY contact us for permission... We will then usually ask that you use extracts only (NOT whole blocks); and that you credit us as the source of your information AND create a web link back to the relevant page(s) from which you took the material. We are happy to share our work, but dislike the very rude practice some people have of copying material without due credit to its original authors.