working towards ascension
"The Golden Light
of Universal Consciousness" as shown to Mark in December 2007
We are being told of the importance of preparing for Planetary and Personal Ascension, (Starseeds and Angelics, see also the paragraphs at the foot of this page) and find our teaching and healing work is leading us more and more into this field. ALL revolves around the SELF — and time and time again we find emphasised to us the importance of working with and on our selves at this important time in the Earth's history. Self-healing and Self-growth are of paramount importance, and we need to be as whole (healed), balanced and complete on ALL (physical, emotional mental and spiritual) levels as we can be, so that our vibratory rate and that of our Planet may reach optimum levels to tip the balance to Light and achieve what we have all been striving for over so many aeons.
If you like what you read here and want to use it yourself PLEASE NOTE that we have copyrighted all material that we have created and channelled on this site — which is ALL of it, unless alternate credit is shown. You may freely use any of it for private or personal use ONLY, but we ask that if you wish to use ANY of our material for publication or reproduction in ANY other shape or form, including using ALL OR ANY PARTS OF IT on other internet pages or sites, that you FIRSTLY contact us for permission... We will then usually ask that you use extracts only (NOT whole blocks); and that you credit us as the source of your information AND create a web link back to the relevant page(s) from which you took the material. We are happy to share our work, but dislike the very rude practice some people have of copying material without due credit to its original authors.
In October 2007, we were nearing the end of completing some vital planetary work, enabling new adjustments and vibrations to be made accessible to the Earth and to those of humanity able to hold the energies. Having completed a particular task, we were contacted by the energies of the humpback whales, who are representative of one species of cetacean who worked with our group in our planetary "Blue Lotus" project (see separate web pages). They wanted to give input about the consequences of the Archangelic "promotions" that had just occurred (see the Archaeon Overview page), and gave this message:
As above: so below.
As it has been given to them, so shall it be
given to you.
For all have been Blessed — not once, not
twice, but thrice.
And the three times blessed shall in their
turn bless others,
and so shall it continue without diminishing
throughout the world, without end.
And as it comes down, so
shall it move out:
for what is seen in the One is reflected in
the ALL.
And as each ripple spreads
so another pebble enters
the Well of Eternity
and the cycle continues with momentum beyond
your wildest imaginings
and out from your control.
day breaks and another Round begins.
Unity comes.
It draws
ever closer and our song supports it and eases its passage.
it flow through, over and around you
and breathe it with every
breath of your body and through every pore of your Being.
then you have the connection made — and so made, let it never
be broken.
So have we spake. Amen.
(...."The word "Amen" comes from the Hebrew meaning "so be it", which transforms in the Greek numerical alphabet, the language of the New Testament, into the number 99, signifying the highest extent to which human prayer can ascend before the infinite mystery of Deity" - extracted from "The Beginners Guide to Creating the Universe" by Michael Schneider.)
Picture: "Lily of Compassion" 2006 © Mark Brittain
Since then, we have been encouraged to extend our commitment to facilitating and supporting the growth and development of the countless Light-workers on this planet, many of whom have only recently awoken, and need to be on a very steep learning curve! It is vital that all Light-workers, whatever their level of experience, reach out to each other in love and support, so that all may reach their full potential and fulfil their contracts on time. This is not the time for ego or superiority — we all have things to teach others and to learn from others, and to keep any knowledge or information to ourself serves no good purpose for the forces of Light.
Reach out to embrace ALL, with love and compassion.
reflected in others' eyes, and know that YOU ARE Divine.
being Divine, KNOW and see all others to be Divine.
AND SO act
with wisdom and without ego in service to the Light.
Djwhal Kuhl pointed out to us that "knowledge is
a wheel, and wisdom is a circle. And thus as we teach, so do we
learn, and as we learn, so do we teach."
Our Guides also recently told us "Once the
teacher has passed on all their knowledge to another, the other may
take that knowledge and change it and return it back to the teacher,
so that cycle upon cycle is repeated for all, and those who are
guided now guide and those who guide are now guided."
We need all the people we can get to commit themselves whole heartedly to the Light, all joined together in a spirit of harmony, co-operation and common purpose. A brief introduction to the nature of Ascension is given below and you can also find separate pages for more information about the Way of our Ascension and developing our Lightbody for Ascension by following the links.
Picture: "Sun in Snow" 2009 © Hilary Hargreaves
What we call Ascension is essentially a matter of being able to hold an increasing quantum of Light, and thus increasing our vibratory rate — the frequency at which the atoms of our physical body vibrate. Our aim therefore is to "grow" or expand into our body of Light in order that we may move at Will within and between the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Dimensions, whilst retaining and having SIMULTANEOUS awareness of our Multi-dimensional Selves (i.e. "BE" within more than one Dimension at the same time with full and conscious awareness). "Ascension" is thus not a moving "up" and "away" from our 3rd Dimensional (physical) body, but rather a matter of assimilation of our "higher" Dimensional Selves in order to "be" in whatever state of consciousness is appropriate for our needs at that time. So, sorry folks, don't go expecting to be whisked away in a spaceship when things starts to get hairy! How you cope with energy changes occurring around you and where your reality lies depends solely on yourself and the choices you make.
Until now our Soul has had to be re-born (re-embodied or re-incarnated) in order to experience, learn and progress. This meant passing through the "veil of forgetfulness" (i.e. having no conscious memory of all that we have learnt before) and having to go through the physical birth and death process for each lifetime we have undertaken. The Ascension process has been defined as a process of disciplines and exercises designed to raise the ability of the individual to transmit and transform the energy of a specific Ray, and to teach how to safely manipulate that energy throughout more than one Dimension, with the result of understanding how to transform our own energy bodies into Light. Such an achievement is usually the culmination of many lifetimes of effort, but the pace is now being stepped up!
We have repeatedly found that what we see within the "greater" is reflected or reproduced within the "smaller": that is to say that patterns we see or find within the smallest cells of our body are also to be found within the largest physical structures of the Universe, and vice versa. This applies also to our non-physical structures (what we may term subtle energy bodies) that exist in Dimensions invisible to our physical eyes, due to their diverse frequencies / rate of vibration. We believe that what we find within our own energy field is also to be found replicated in the greater energy fields that encompass our reality — that of our planet, Earth, and ultimately that of our Universe. Accordingly we believe that changes we are seeing taking place within our Earth's energy bodies must, by definition, also be being happening to us.........."As above, So below"...........
Picture: "Sky
Beings" 2007 © Mark Brittain
starseeds; angelics; AND MASTERS:
In our work we meet many lovely human and non-human Beings embodied in human form. We know who you truly are, and at heart you probably do too. There are many who are currently here on Earth who have chosen to drop their vibration and take on human physical form, in order to take on the task of helping this beautiful planet raise her vibrations and "ascend". We would urge you not to worry about your own Ascension, but instead set your focus on clearing, healing and balancing yourself for the purpose of making your Inner Light shine the brightest it can — AND THAT INCLUDES EARTHING YOURSELF IN! (see below.) And when you have done that, focus on spreading as much of your Light through the world as you can! Your goal does not have to be personal Ascension — for you have "been there; done that; got the T-shirt". You have already been through that process, albeit in another lifetime, so don't waste time or energy worrying about doing it again.
Many starry ones we meet have their recent roots in star systems other than ours. We meet shining ones from the constellations we know well, such as Arcturus, the Pleiades, Lyra, Altair and Sirius — as well as those from much farther away. Many of these space pioneers are experiencing their first lifetimes on Earth, and are finding it hard going. There is a tendency for them to feel "homesick", lost, "spaced out" or simply feel that they don't fit in. Well of course this is not surprising. Many of them we find have poor energetic connections to the Earth — often with a pretty non-existent Earth-Star connection. We will tell those of you who read this what we tell many: being earthed does not have to be painful. In fact rooting yourself in to the planet is part of what you have come here to do, and in fact by grounding your energy body you will find you have a much clearer connection to your "home". This because this planet is becoming multi-dimensional and with more and more connections "out-there" than she has had before. She has an energy body as we all do, and the outer layers of her aura are being connected to not just our Solar System and Galaxy, but to other places much further away, many of which exist in different dimensions to our own. Her aura is firmly rooted into her physical body, and so by grounding yourself firmly to her you actually allow better and clearer access to "out-there"! We prefer to follow the Unified Field grounding process, which asks us to ground "up" to our Higher Self, and to ground "down" with golden cords like guy ropes which project out from the Omega chakra to the Earth's new planetary grid network below our feet. To quote Dharma the Cat, "When your head's in the clouds, your feet miss the path!" You may also find it helpful to have an energy-work session with an experienced energy worker who has understanding about the space brotherhood to help you balance and ground yourself, and strengthen your connections "home" and adjust your templates to help you integrate your energies. Remember you are not alone, as they say, for there are others of your kind here as well ..... also painful though the dense energy of some of humanity is, this is what you are here for — to help with humanity's future progress, by bringing your own unique Light and knowledge to her aid. So know this to be true, and get on with it!
Are YOU an Angelic? Chances are if you are reading this you are. Don't believe that the realms of humanity, elementals and angelics cannot mix — they can, and they are. Angelics in their thousands volunteered to answer God's call and descend with humanity to support them in carrying out his great Universal experiment, and now we are going home, job nearly done. So shake out your wings; ask for connection to and remembrance of your Angelic roots and get flying! You are VAST energy-wise — and are so for a reason, so allow yourself to grow into the fullness, strength and beauty of your reality. You too are not alone, and we salute and greet you with our Blessings.
We are ALL Masters....................
Picture: "Angel of Light" 2007 Photo © Mark Brittain:
Picture owned by Hilary and painted by Alison Knox (EveryDay Angels
If you like what you read here and want to use it yourself PLEASE NOTE that we have copyrighted all material that we have created and channelled on this site — which is ALL of it, unless alternate credit is shown. You may freely use any of it for private or personal use ONLY, but we ask that if you wish to use ANY of our material for publication or reproduction in ANY other shape or form, including using ALL OR ANY PARTS OF IT on other internet pages or sites, that you FIRSTLY contact us for permission... We will then usually ask that you use extracts only (NOT whole blocks); and that you credit us as the source of your information AND create a web link back to the relevant page(s) from which you took the material. We are happy to share our work, but dislike the very rude practice some people have of copying material without due credit to its original authors.