corfe castle lights
Corfe Castle — picture © Arthur Brittain 2007

This page will tell you about 2 of the music and meditation CDs we have so far created in association with Chris Furner of Fitdog Studios in Northampton.

The first is called "Angelic Web of Light". We initially composed and created about 2½ hours of music to accompany our Angelic Multidimensional Healing attunements and, by request, have edited what we created to make a 55 minute CD. This is suitable to play as inspired music for meditation, journeying or healing and is used by many AMD practitioners to accompany their AMD healing sessions.
The second is named "Nam Myoho Renge Kyo". This was recorded as part of another session at the studios (more music will follow later this year) that included this intriguing work. In it Mark channels the energies of the Master Nichiren in a new and unique version of the powerful "Lotus Sutra" mantra accompanied by our Tibetan singing bowls and Ting Sha.

You can listen to samples of each track using the sampling menus further down this page. Because of recent changes to the EU rules on VAT we are only selling our music as MP3s at individual request: so, if you would like a copy of either one please contact us and we will send you a vat-free invoice (and on receipt of payment, the MP3).



Towards the start of the process of researching, writing and compiling our AMD course we knew that we had to compose and record the music that was to be used for the AMD teaching and attunement processes, despite both Mark and I disavowing any musical composition talent whatsoever! The Archaeon were certainly out "in force" for the days we got together with Chris Furner of "Fit-dog" recording studios to make this happen, and you can hear the results on the edited CD called "Angelic Web of Light". Throughout the CD you will be aware of the background sounds of Crystal Singing Bowls, whose vibrations are an important element of the scenarios that have been created. The three Quartz Crystal singing bowls  recorded for the processes are owned by us, and are tuned to the base chakra; heart chakra and brow chakra respectively.

cd cover
"I Had a Dream" picture © Fran Morris
Used for the CD cover and label of "Angelic Web of Light"
by kind permission of the artist, Fran Morris

As we worked to create the music we needed for the processes, we became aware of the presence of the six Archaeon Gabriel, Michael, Azrael, Metatron, Raphael and Uriel, who later gave us the CD and track names and told us that they wished the CD to be put together in a very specific way, so that it would take the listener on a soul journey. Each Archaeon sponsored a track and each of them gave us a short message that they wished to be included, and which outlines the purpose behind the energies created by the sounds of that track.

ANGELIC WEB OF LIGHT — Tracks (In Order)

"Step forth into a new way of Being, awakened once more to the Truth of your nature. I, Gabriel, reach out with Joy and take your hands, guiding you to the Sanctuary within your centre."

"Here in solitude you wait, silently contemplating your awakened reality and your Soul's journey. I, Michael, join with you as the new day dawns and together we rise to greet the Sun."

"I, Azrael, beckon you to step out into my realm. With courage dance with me now to experience the potential you hold within you, and understand all that you may become."

"Trace with me this Web of Light that spans all times and Dimensions. For I, Metatron, am here to show the vastness and magnificence of your Being and the Unity of your Soul with mine."

"I am Raphael. With me you may journey into the heart of All That Is, realising at last the perfection and completeness of your Soul and everlasting Spirit."

"Rest with me a while within the Light and Love of the Divine. Be easy and at Peace whilst I, Uriel, impart to you the Gift of Grace."


Click on each title to start it to play, or use the play menu at the head of the sample block to start, stop or pause the music. Each track sample is between 1.5 and 2 minutes in length. Enjoy!


This title and thence the mantra may be familiar to some of you, but our version is more measured and contemplative than many of the more traditional ways you will hear of chanting it. We came across it "by accident" in a book we "found" at the studios and I knew straight away that it was important that we recorded it there and then, despite the inclusion of a vocal track not being our intention at the outset. However, Mark has a pretty good singing voice and is a conscious and trance channel and so used to merging with the energies of Masters and Guides, and we knew that if he opened to the consciousness of Master Nichiren he would be guided to produce the right sounds in the right way for what was required. Indeed, the resulting product is full of a very powerful energy and the whole engineering process and completion of the track went remarkably smoothly. We are already working with the mantra in healing shares, workshops and other teaching with very interesting results, and so we are planning to record other mantras and chants on our next visit!

"Lotus Sutra" picture © Mark Brittain 2010
used for CD cover and label

The Sutra's name is taken from the title of perhaps the greatest teaching of Siddhartha Gautama Buddha, who lived around 500 BC. This teaching is called the "Lotus Sutra" and it declares that "ALL living beings, regardless of gender or intelligence have the potential to attain Buddha-hood". In the Lotus Sutra, the Buddha taught that within each one of us is a Universal Truth known as our "Buddha Nature" — those in the Western world may also know this as the "Christ(ed) Self". Basing our lives on this inherent Truth enables us to experience absolute happiness and to act at all times with boundless compassion — to BE our Buddha/Christ Self. Achieving and BEing in such a state is called Enlightenment. When we are truly enlightened we realise that ALL things that exist throughout our Universe are connected: sentient and non-sentient and regardless of Plane or Dimension. Thus we come to understand and know that as we change ourselves, so we change the World.
In the 13th Century a Japanese priest called Nichiren realised that the message of the Lotus Sutra was summed up by its title, Nam Myoho Renge Kyo, and declared that all of the benefits of the wisdom contained in the Lotus Sutra (including achieving perfect health, happiness, wisdom and compassion) can be realised through chanting this mantra. The goal of chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo therefore is to manifest the enlightenment of the Buddha Nature (connecting with our Higher Christed/Divine Selves) in our own lives, thus fulfilling our whole and complete potential as individuals and thence allowing the process of our Self-transformation to imbue, permeate and transform our World.

NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO — Tracks are offered in 3 time-spans of rolling sound: one of around 12 minutes; one of around 25 minutes and one of around 35 minutes, thus allowing any single track to be played without a break for any of those times, or for the full version of around 70 minutes to be played with 1 break between each track.


If you like what you read here and want to use it yourself PLEASE NOTE that we have copyrighted all material that we have created and channelled on this site — which is ALL of it, unless alternate credit is shown. You may freely use any of it for private or personal use ONLY, but we ask that if you wish to use ANY of our material for publication or reproduction in ANY other shape or form, including using ALL OR ANY PARTS OF IT on other internet pages or sites, that you FIRSTLY contact us for permission... We will then usually ask that you use extracts only (NOT whole blocks); and that you credit us as the source of your information AND create a web link back to the relevant page(s) from which you took the material. We are happy to share our work, but dislike the very rude practice some people have of copying material without due credit to its original authors.