the way of ascension
"The Golden Light of Universal Consciousness" © Inner
as shown to Mark in December 2007
This page tells you a little about what we feel is the process leading up to the event that has been called "Ascension"; about who we (Lightworkers) are and what we have come here to do; gives some advice to help us prepare energetically for planetary Ascension and talks about the Ascension stargate / gateway. Credit for much of the background information in this piece goes to the book "11:11" by Solara, (ISBN 1-878246-05-4) which was written following the activation of the 11:11 Gateway in 1992. Much of that books' content still remains relevant today and a good deal of its contents will resonate with Lightworkers, both old and new.
If you like what you read here and want to use it yourself PLEASE NOTE that we have copyrighted all material that we have created and channelled on this site — which is ALL of it, unless alternate credit is shown. You may freely use any of it for private or personal use ONLY, but we ask that if you wish to use ANY of our material for publication or reproduction in ANY other shape or form, including using ALL OR ANY PARTS OF IT on other internet pages or sites, that you FIRSTLY contact us for permission... We will then usually ask that you use extracts only (NOT whole blocks); and that you credit us as the source of your information AND create a web link back to the relevant page(s) from which you took the material. We are happy to share our work, but dislike the very rude practice some people have of copying material without due credit to its original authors.
Members of the Universal Family of Light have been incarnating on Earth since the middle of the 1900s in order to facilitate the programme for Earth's Ascension. They have awakened over a period of time, with many being awakened at key dates, including the first World Peace Day on 31/12/1986; The Harmonic Convergence on 16/8/1987 and Earth Day on 20/4/1990. Additionally, the Legions of Michael were activated beginning in February 1988; the Order of Melchisadek on Earth was activated on 11/11/1991 and the Ascension Gateway was activated on 11/1/1992. The Ascension Gateway will remain open until its closure on 31/12/2011. Many of those who were present at other important times in Earth's history are once again present today: most in behind-the-scenes or supporting roles, yet some in positions very prominently within the public eye. Many have chosen to "descend" and take embodiment again in order to be a part of yet another shot at "getting it right"!
Picture: "Trident of Life 2008 ©
Mark Brittain
The three stars in Orion's belt anchor what is known as "the Zone of Overlap". The upper half of the constellation is the location of the Lords of Light, governed from its chief Star, Betelgeuse; the lower half of the constellation is the location of the Lords of Darkness, governed from its chief Star, Rigel. If you follow the outline of the main stars of each half, you will see that each zone roughly forms a triangle and where they overlap they form a combined zone, which is diamond shaped. This is called the Zone of Overlap and is overseen by Archaeon Metatron, who anchors Oneness, and the Council of the Elohim, of which many Lightworkers are members. This space represents the Sacred Union of dark and light, where they are wedded together as ONE, acknowledging that in truth we are neither all dark nor all light, but of the Greater Light that contains both dark and light. This is the true lesson underlying our existences in this Dimension — that of understanding the true nature of duality and of merging polarities into conscious Oneness. The Zone is anchored by the 3 Stars that form Orion's belt, and which also anchor the great Star lineages of EL, AN and RA. This zone is the place that we will "travel to" as we and the planet Ascend. Within the zone and centred around AN (the Star of Al Nilam) is the Ascension Gateway, which is triangular and held in a state of constant balance by Archaeons Metatron and Michael and Lord Melchisadek — we refer to them as "the 3 Ms"! Metatron is aligned with the family of AN, comprising the two Ray groups ON and AN, which represent the Union of the Sun (Masculine polarity) and the Moon (Feminine polarity). Shamballa anchors the masculine Ray in the Himalayas, whilst AN anchors the feminine Ray in the Andes mountains. Michael protects and oversees our transformation from 3rd Dimensional humanity into our True (Divine / Starry / Angelic) Selves. Melchisadek acts for the Cosmic Lords and Councils and oversees the Holders of Secret and Ancient Knowledge.
Picture: "Snow Buddha" 2009
© Hilary Hargreaves
For some more information about stargates, see "The Ancient
Secret of the Flower of Life", volume 2 (ISBN: 1-891824-17-1)
by Drumvalo Melchizedek.
It is thought that a stargate or
inter-dimensional portal may be anchored and held in the form or
shape of a 6 pointed star. Indeed, we have worked with
interdimensional portals ourselves, although these have more usually
taken the form of a triangle or pyramid. A stargate or portal allows
transition from one existence (or Dimension) to another, and may be
found in what we might describe as 2-dimensional space (for example,
a triangle) or 3-dimensional space (for example, a tetrahedron). It
has also been suggested that each triangular stargate will be
fundamentally "male" or "female" — MALE
gates pointing upwards; FEMALE gates pointing downwards. It makes
sense that in many instances a balanced gate of male AND female
energies will be appropriate and so two gates will merge, one
masculine, one feminine, to form a 6-pointed star — a stargate.
We feel that for the purposes of our Ascension and the conditions we
need to have achieved in order to pass "through" it, this
balance will be particularly important. Within the triangle each male
and female aspect anchoring it will be founded on a fundamental
principle or condition. For example a male gate might be anchored
with wisdom/compassion/humility or beauty/love/truth; a female gate
by love/truth/unity or trust/harmony/peace. There are many stargate
combinations possible, although it is thought that each 6 -pointed
stargate must contain Truth and Love as two of its aspects. Each
triangular part of the stargate also has one its aspects as a point
of balance, there to hold the elements of the other two aspects
stable — for example, LOVE & TRUTH lead to BEAUTY; TRUST
& HARMONY lead to PEACE. This may also be seen in the instance of
each part of a 3-dimensional stargate, such as a tetrahedron, where
the apex would hold the balance point and desired outcome.
Picture: "Stargates" 2007 © Mark Brittain
We have been working up until recently with the male energies and the triangular gate held by Metatron, Michael and Melchisadek. Now the time is right (following the grounding of the Divine Feminine) for us to explore the feminine aspects of the other triangular gate, which we believe to be held by the Higher aspects of "LAS TRES MARIAS", and holding the shape of an inverted triangle to reflect the one held by the masculine 3Ms. This one we believe to be founded by the Three Marys — Mary the Mother of the Christ; Mary Magdalene, consort of the Christ; and Mary Jacobi, Mother of the Magdalene and be held by Mareia, Magdalena and Maryllisa, each one the feminine aspect of one of the Archaeon (another 3Ms!). We also feel that the triangular gates of both polarities will finally merge to create a 6 pointed star, reflecting the Lightbody template, and that this merger of the masculine and feminine polar aspects into balance and Unity will birth the New Age and the shift in consciousness. We may also see the gate transform into a 3-dimensional 6 pointed star — a star tetrahedron, with the energies of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine acting to hold and anchor the apex of each tetrahedron.
The year 2012 will reveal the portal of Ascension and also bring a
shift in the templates that anchor our planet into this Plane /
Dimension. At this time the template of Oneness (Group consciousness
/ Unity) will be anchored and The Universal Family of Light will have
fulfilled their Earth mission and brought to a close this Age of
Duality. This event will herald the calling home of the Golden Solar
Angels of the Central Sun; those of the Star lineages of EL AN RA;
the Legions of Michael; the members of the Order of Melchisadek and
the Annutara. Those who pass through the portal of Ascension with the
planet have been given the choice of going to the next level with the
new Earth or moving on to the next octave (Universe). Those who have
chosen the second option will be joined by all those who have
previously Ascended in this Age, together with the beasts that many
regard as "mythical" — dragons, unicorns, whales and
winged lions. Some of the Elementals (gnomes, sylphs, undines and
salamanders) will return to their home base, which is within the
Magellan Cloud — a neighbouring galaxy to our own. Those
elementals who elect to continue to work with Ascended humanity will
move with the planet to recreate nature in alignment with the Earth's
new templates.
Many of us are probably not sure which group we
fall into! Our own personal blueprint for our mission will not open
to reveal this to us until:
1: we are fully awakened
2: we
are merged with our vaster Self
3: we have FULLY accepted our
True Self and reunited with our Higher Self / Angelic Presence /
Starry Overself, thus embodying our FULL Presence on Earth.
Picture: "Ice Lake" 2008 © Mark Brittain
WE ARE THE PILLARS OF LIGHT! This cannot be emphasised enough! Many of us are in truth Bodhisattva — meaning one who has chosen to stay and serve as long as there is a need, and who has made a sacred vow accordingly. Each such sacred vow lasts for one cycle of evolution and then is dissolved. At the completion of this Age a cycle will be completed and all Bodhisattva will have the option to move on to the new octave, or stay with the new Earth and renew our vow. Those who choose to stay will require training to be prepared to take over the roles of those who have chosen to move on when the gateway closes, who include many of those we know today as the Ascended Masters and the Archaeon (who are Ascended Archangels). WE ARE APPRENTICES and in training to become the new wave of Angelics and Masters. Each of us needs to know and accept our place and our True Self, without ego and with humility — yet with the full Light and strength of our soul's conviction.
Right now however, our primary task is to transform ourself into a
fully awakened multidimensional Being, merging our 4th and 5th
dimensional selves with our physical 3rd dimensional self. In order
to achieve this we need to give our full commitment to embodying our
Truth and to Serving Source. To help us do this, Solara gave these
pointers in her book, which are very helpful:
Shed anything that
no longer resonates with the Highest Truth of your Being
everything so that it vibrates in accord with YOU, leaving space for
the introduction of the New
Free yourself of any unnecessary
Consciously complete any unfinished business and any
unresolved relationships, plus anything else that helps keep you
smaller than you really are
Let go of those who keep you within
narrowly defined roles
When grieving for what is dying away from
you and your life, focus on the fact that you are simply clearing
space for that which is more in alignment with the Highest Truth of
your Being
Develop your self-esteem, and learn to give AND
receive Love
Allow, observe and release any negative emotions
that arise. Do not suppress them, nor get bound up or bogged down in
Clear up any fears you have around the issues of Power
— set aside guilt and forgive yourself for any previous
transgressions and also empower yourself and forgive others for their
Bring forth the courage to openly be your
empowered and magnificent Self — the REAL you
It is
essential to spend some time each day by yourself in silence. This
does not have to be in formal meditation, but must be in stillness,
to allow you integration time each day. Silence in the sleep state
doesn't count! (You are probably working then, anyway.)
Incorporate into your daily schedule some things that give you
Allow time for relaxation and (very important) PLAY
Join with others who support your continuing growth
Picture: "Lily of Compassion" 2007 © Mark Brittain
If you like what you read here and want to use it yourself PLEASE NOTE that we have copyrighted all material that we have created and channelled on this site — which is ALL of it, unless alternate credit is shown. You may freely use any of it for private or personal use ONLY, but we ask that if you wish to use ANY of our material for publication or reproduction in ANY other shape or form, including using ALL OR ANY PARTS OF IT on other internet pages or sites, that you FIRSTLY contact us for permission... We will then usually ask that you use extracts only (NOT whole blocks); and that you credit us as the source of your information AND create a web link back to the relevant page(s) from which you took the material. We are happy to share our work, but dislike the very rude practice some people have of copying material without due credit to its original authors.